I have a question regarding hot-linking and renovation filters.
I have two models:
- model A, this is my main model, where I model everything and which I use for publishing my floorplans, sections, etc
- model B, this is my render model, it contains model A hotlinked and adds a lot of heavy 3D geometry files for the very specific furniture and trees needed for the renders which I have to make
I chose this setup as doing everything in model A slowed down my workflow a lot. The file got heavy, took long to load, ...
I now run into the following issue: model A has 3 renovation filters which each contain a different option of the facade. When hotlinking model A in model B, model B did not receive these renovation filters, so I can not set which renovation filter of the hotlink I want to see in model B.
Does anybody know a way to make model B have the option to set the renovation filter of the hotlinked model A?