Project data & BIM
About BIM-based management of attributes, schedules, templates, favorites, hotlinks, projects in general, quality assurance, etc.

How do I create a new paint-attribute ?

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I would like to have many more colors to choose among in my projects. I have found an Attribute Manager, but I can't figure out how I can make a new paint-color. It would have been nice to be able to use a color-manager to make exactly the colors I want, and store it as an element attribute, so I can use it later. Can someone help me, please?
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You can't choose between more than 255 pens. But you can apply your own color to each of those pens. And you can have more than one pensets, but you can only have one of those active at a time.
Why do you need more pens than 255?
Anne wrote:
I would like to have many more colors to choose among in my projects. I have found an Attribute Manager, but I can't figure out how I can make a new paint-color. It would have been nice to be able to use a color-manager to make exactly the colors I want, and store it as an element attribute, so I can use it later. Can someone help me, please?
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Do you actually mean new 'pen' colours or new 'material' colours?

There is no limit to the number of materials. To create a new material, duplicate a similar existing one and edit to suit.

Do a search for 'duplicate material'. There are lots of topics detailing the process. Here's two -
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Yes it was material i meant. The upper link gave me the exact reciept on how to do it. So now I have succeeded in doing what I wanted.