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Select multiple elements and fill them

Hi guys,
I am new to Archicad (I used Autocad before) so sorry for the simple question:
I am working on a large urbanistic project where I need to edit a lot of elements at the same time and I don't know how to do it. I need to select all the elements on a layer (which I can do) and change their properties so that I can selec and fill them with a different colour (this is the part I can't do). I can do them individually but there are thousands....
Any help please?

Thank you so much

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Not applicable
Matthew wrote:
Now that I think of it, there might be a really odd way to do it in ArchiCAD by making all the polylines into a 2D GDL script and using search and replace to convert them polygons with fills. The part could then be placed and exploded to get the fills into the plan. If you have no idea what I am talking about then this is probably not the way to go.
I have the similar situation than discussed here almost 2 years ago. I have ca. 13 500 closed square polylines (don't ask...) which I wanted to be fills. So manually used magic wand is out of question.
Matthew's tip was really good; it took only a couple of minutes to get it done. After saving the GDL script there was poly2_b{5} commands (which has fill value). The fill value was set to "Empty". Just replacing all of them with word "Solid" did the trick.

Hello there!

I've tried that methode but didn't work... anyvideo you can share of how you did this?




Hey Charles, Not sure if you still need an answer. But i found a workaround. Funnily enough with a competitor software.Since they're all owned by the same megacompany I don't feel to bad. If you import all your polylines to Vectorworks they will automatically be hatches. Just add a fill color, and remove the outline, so it's just a fill. then export as DWG and import into Archicad. voila, you got yourself several tens of thousands of fills into Archicad. You can also try with rhino, but rhino takes a very long time to create hatches, compared to vectorworks. i tried with around 150'000 polylines that needed to be fills.


hope this helps,