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X-Ref Bug In AC9?

Not applicable
Has anybody else seen this?

I x-referenced an AutoCAD 2D drawing into an AC9 plan file and it came in nicely -- the translation is A LOT better than in AC8.1. After the x-ref was completely inserted and drawn on the screen, I decided I didn't want that x-ref, so I performed an Undo. Most of the x-ref disappeared, but there were some entities that stayed behind. I could undo all the way back to where I started and they were still there.

ArchiCAD had placed them on a locked layer, so I checked the AutoCAD file to see if there was some difference in the layer setup for those objects. There were all kinds of other objects on that same layer, with the same setup that didn't get left behind.

It wasn't a video problem either because I could unlock the layer they were on and move/copy/erase them just like any other element.

I don't know if it's a real bug or not -- I'm mostly putting it out here for GS to check out.
Jay wrote:
I decided I didn't want that x-ref, so I performed an Undo. Most of the x-ref disappeared, but there were some entities that stayed behind. I could undo all the way back to where I started and they were still there.
you're only undo-ing, right? not 'unloading' or 'detaching'? are you sure it's not a screen redraw issue? did you try a 'redraw' or 'rebuild' afterwards?

if you were 'unloading', were you on a teamwork file and not signed into the entire workspace covered by the DWG?

in archiCAD 9 now, detaching an xref results in that x-refs' attributes being cleared from the project file (yay!) along with a warning to that effect. was it a teamwork file that you were in without exclusive access and somehow the attributes of those elements left behind were also attributes that existed in the team file before you signed-in and before you attached the xref?

which ever the case it's pretty odd and sounds like a bug that tech support should be looking at . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
~/archiben wrote:
you're only undo-ing, right? not 'unloading' or 'detaching'?
Ctrl-Z to be precise.
~/archiben wrote:
are you sure it's not a screen redraw issue? did you try a 'redraw' or 'rebuild' afterwards?
Been there, clicked that. No difference.
~/archiben wrote:
were you on a teamwork file
Nope, a brand new solo project.

I can edit the elements just like any other element. Sounds like a bug to me, although today I can't make it to happen. (Of course!)