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BIMcloud Support Tool

Noemi Balogh
Community Admin
Community Admin
Applicable: from BIMcloud 2020.2
To make support for BIMcloud related cases easier and faster, from BIMcloud 2020.2, GRAPHISOFT provides a new support tool to collect the necessary data for investigations. This article is covering the usage of the tool and give you an insight about what it collects from your computer.

Where to find the BIMcloud Support Tool

From BIMcloud 2020.2, BIMcloud Support Tool is part of the installation package of both BIMcloud Manager and BIMcloud Server. You can access the tool from the root folder of the installation, which are by default:

BIMcloud Manager: C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\BIMcloud\Manager-<Date> 

BIMcloud Server: C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\BIMcloud\Server-<Date>

BIMcloud Manager: /Applications/GRAPHISOFT/BIMcloud/Manager-<Date>/  

BIMcloud Server: /Applications/GRAPHISOFT/BIMcloud/Server-<Date>/

How to run the BIMcloud Support Tool

Once you navigated into one of the BIMcloud components’ installation root folder, double click on the CreateSupportPackage.bat / command to start BIMcloud Support Tool. A Command Prompt / Terminal window will open, with an End User License Agreement (EULA) content:
You must accept these conditions to be able to run the tool. Press Y to continue the process. Press ENTER.
A User Account Control message will jump on – Select Yes to run the BIMcloud Support Tool.
In a separate console window, you can follow what the tool does.
Once the tool finished collecting everything, both the Command Prompt and the Console windows turn off automatically.
When you press Y, Terminal will ask for your admin user’s password.
Please note that your password will not be shown in the Terminal window. Also, backspace acts as a valid character here instead of deleting content – be careful to enter your password right.
Once you entered your password correctly and you pressed ENTER, the BIMcloud Support Tool starts to log to your Terminal window. Once Terminal says “Done.”, you can simply quit.

Where to find the output

Once the tool finished, we would like to collect the output what can be used during the investigation.
Output files are put to the current user’s Desktop, C:\Users\<username>\Desktop.
Output files are put to the current user’s Desktop, /Users/<username>/Desktop.
You should find a .zip and a folder, with a similar name: BIMcloudSupportPackage-20200612095842 Numbers change based on the date of run of the application. BIMcloud Support Tool collects data from all installed BIMcloud components. In case you have multiple BIMcloud installations on the same computer, it is enough to run the tool only once. It is enough to send the .zip file to GRAPHISOFT, as it should contain the same data as the folder. However, in some rare cases, it might be not here (e.g. another process is locking the files, BIMcloud Support Tool is not able to .zip the folder’s content), so your support may request the folder instead to share with GRAPHISOFT.

What is collected

Current version of the BIMcloud Support Tool collects the following data:
  • Hardware information
    • CPU
    • RAM
    • Free disk space
  • Name of the Operating System and version number
  • Time zone of the computer
  • List of currently running services
  • Basic network settings of the computer (ipconfig)
  • Version number of BIMcloud
  • BIMcloud installer logs
  • BIMcloud Manager
    • Config folder
    • Logs folder
    • Data folder
  • BIMcloud Server
    • BlobCache folder
    • Config folder
    • Logs folder
    • Project logs
  • CmDust log

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