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Teamwork & BIMcloud
About Teamwork, BIMcloud, BIMcloud Basic, BIMcloud Software as a Service, network settings, etc.

Bim Cloud - downgrade to basic troubles

Jan Vlach
So we use Bim Cloud basic in our office. Recently we decided to do some minor HW upgrades to our server - new RAM and dedicated SSD for BimCloud data and 10GB link between server and new network switch. To migrate data to new location, I saved local .pln versions of all active projects, reconfigured the path to new drive and it was when I started adding the projecs back up, the Team work started acting up: It said I had problems with connection, even trough the conneciton test said it was okay. So I started poking around and noticed that the problem is in communication between manager and server. Okay, so I googled what to do with that and ended up upgrading to BimCloud, and pairing server to manager that way (while still having no idea how it "unpaired" in first place). Things started working so naturally I left it be and of course today, when we wanted to share another project it kicked me in the back, saying something something licences. Ok so time to downgrade I guess. So I tried. Currently I have red flag at downgrade wizzard at no.1 (and ingore it since I have .pln of my files) and more importaintly on no.7 as well. There it says that I have two serveres conected, which is bullshit, since I have only one server and Bim Cloud manager connected. With no serveres to delete I consider my options: Shoud I try to delete that one server I have and set up it again or should I reinstall the whole thing, including the manager? Clearly I am leaning towards the latter. Thanks for opininons, gentlemans.
From Archicad 8.5 all the way to the present.
Passionate Autocad hater as well.
Wish to save palets and menus individualy in work enviroments:
Noemi Balogh
Community Admin
Hi skawagon,

I'm really sorry to read that you experience this issue with BIMcloud.

Unfortunately this is a known bug for BIMcloud 2018.2 and 2018.2.1, which we already fixed in 2019.1 and above.

So, my recommendation would be:
1. Download the latest update from here:
2. Cancel Downgrade process
3. Update BIMcloud to 2019.2
4. Restart Downgrade process

If you would have any further issue or question, just please let me know!

Kind regards,

Noémi Balogh

Community Expert, Admin