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Display order 2D and 3D elements not consistent between different teamwork clients

Not applicable
When changing display order of 2D elements relatively to 3D objects in for example a section or elevation view (for example to make illustrative sections for a competition) it showed that the order of 2D and 3D objects is not consistent between the different clients. One colleague changes the display order of 2D elements in the view but another user who is responsible for creating and exporting the final layouts does not receive those changes correctly. This is also mentioned in the ArchiCAD documents as a "known issue":

3. 3D elements vs. 2D elements:
You can set up a situation where a 2D element will be behind a 3D object and still cover another one. Note that the relative order of only 2D elemens and only 3D elements still remains the same. However, when you Send and Recieve, this information will only pass to the Server, when the particular 2D element is behind or covering all 3D elements in the scene.

The suggested workaround is not very user friendly, and I would say it is quite common for architects to style there elevations and sections with trees/people/textures in 2D for competitions or presentations.
It is also quite important that such settings will end up correctly in our pln files when archiving a teamwork project. When several users worked individually on styling (changing display order of elements) in different sections and elevations it will be impossible to get all those results consistently in one pla/pln archive/file.

I would like to kindly ask the developers of ArchiCAD to find a solution for this "known issue".
Marton Kiss
Hi Wilt,

thank you calling attention on this. I reviewed all similar features request and will sit down with our product management and dev folks to see what can we do to improve this.

Marton Kiss
Chief Product Officer
Not applicable

We are having EXACTLY the same issue where the display order is not consistent between different teamwork clients. One teamwork member has fixed the display order in a section and it looks correct, however these updates do not display correctly for other teamwork clients.

Please do let me know if there is a way to resolve this issue!


Noemi Balogh
Community Admin
Community Admin
Hi Wendy,

Thank you for your feedback. We have already forwarded this wish to the Product Management.

Unfortunately I can't provide you any good news here - so far we couldn't find any reasonable solution to workaround this. I'm afraid that all you can do is to manually modify the display order if it is different on your side.

Kind regards,

Noémi Balogh

Community Expert, Admin