I am very new to BIM. I set up my BIM Manager using the Collaboration tutorial from Graphisoft. I currently have the following libraries loaded: ACad 12 Migration, ACad 14 and my office library. When I open an older ACad 12 project most of the library elements go missing and it tells me that the ACad 12 library is unavailable (in red).
I first tried 'Choose BIM Server Library' and added the ACad 12 MIgration and reloaded. The objects were still missing.
Then I tried 'Adding' the ACad 12 migration library from the Mac's applications folder. No dice.
Finally,I went into the Library Manager and added a pointer to the Object Library 12.lcf that is on my server. All of the objects are now available but I have 3194 duplicates between the BIM ACad 12 MIgration library and the one on my server. I don't understand how it is reading duplicates if it didn't read the elements from the BIM library in the first place.