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Referencing markers in 2 TW files /AC14 ??

Not applicable

We've taken a rather large TW file in AC14 and broken it into 2 linked TW files - one model file and one layout file. All layouts still correctly show their referenced drawings but now all of the markers have lost their references and we can't figure out how to re-link.

In the model file, if I bring up the layouts (of the layout file) via the Organizer and try to re-link drawings, it won't allow me to do so.

Note: I erased the layouts from the model file and the views maps from the layout file when splitting up the files (each file is still around 400 mB !).

Any suggestions how to relink? Do we have to take the Layout file into a Solo environment to do so?

...but now all of the markers have lost their references and we can't figure out how to re-link.
automatically referenced markers do not work across multiple files (so there is no fix for this unless you merge model and book files back to one file).

an externally attached view (a drawing with a marker on it) placed on a layout in your book file cannot 'see' referenced view (drawing) as it is buried in your model file structure. In order to keep this reference alive AC would have to open and regenerate model file (as the marker is placed in the model file) each time you move referenced drawing, which is not really a desirable solution.

so eg. a plan drawing with section marker 1/A250 (referring you to the layout A250) would be out of sinc if you moved the section 1 drawing to the layout A255 without opening the model file. The computational and network overhead (we are talking about big TW2 files right) to do so would be tremendous, not talking about dangerous situation if the sinc fails (temporarily out of network connection etc) and you would be left with inconstant documentation.

Does it make a sense?