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TW2/AC13 - unable to release objects

Not applicable

I would like to update my library office on the BIM server.

AC13 refuses to do it saying to me that 3 objects are reserved by a user (me in fact...)

I had believed to find the easy way: to re-enter again in scripts of the objects and to release them (

… the problem it is that I do not have button to release/reserve within my object nor of information “Teamwork status”.

I open the objects this way :
file/Library and objects/open an object… by not selecting anything on the plan and while choosing “to navigate to choose a file”, then all in lower part I choose “go to the library”, “Library office 13” in my case, and I find myself in folder LIBR_1 within the Graphisoft shared data folder.

Did someone already have this problem?
Or do I open it in a wrong way ?

Thank you for you help