Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2003-11-20 08:08 PM
2006-05-16 10:21 AM
2006-06-02 06:46 AM
• file paths and networking seems to be a biggy: library loading, cache libraries, BGarchicad accessing plp files across a network all have too many 'quirks' if something unexpected happens to that network.
• there seems to be a 'critical mass' to a file (size) at which point some of the elements seem to drop off of the database whilst still displaying on screen. they end up in nobodies workspace until re-assigned. this can take a long time and some organization when combined with the networking/library issue above.
As reply to Archiben
It is true there are issues with library file paths and networking speeds
we have encounterded these issues in our office
How Ever!
there is a simple and elegant solution
you can create on each machine a folder which will contain all the librarys
which don't need to constantly be updated (ArchiCAD Library 8,9,10 Standard Textures Etc)
you may create this file at any location of any machine
name this folder. Make sure that the folder name is identical for all machines, even though the file path DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE SAME!
go to the properties tab of the file and click sharing
and make sure all check marks are on for all the boxes,
then go to your tools menu and click map network drive.
select a letter and under folder brows to the folder you've just created
you will be able to copy items in to the folder only through your internal path but you will be able to load your library directly from your new letter drive
so now all team work projects can load their librarys from the same path
when actually they are loading it from the local machine
It works great and it's SO fast that we are using it even for our solo Projects.
P.S all the librarys which are constantly being updated, such as custom objects Etc, we still load from the server to make sure everybody are using the most updated version (but these are usually are so small so it is not an issue
2006-06-02 08:01 AM
2006-06-05 01:26 PM
Tamir wrote:and how would i do that on a mac?
As reply to Archiben
then go to your tools menu and click map network drive.
2006-06-05 03:07 PM
Matthew wrote:Take care when using BatChmod (see my advice below). Use it only on folders with data/documents, no programs, prefs or settings files.
There is a very handy free utility calledBatChmodfor managing and fixing file permissions and stuff in OSX.
You can find it at: www.macchampion.com/arbysoft/...
2006-06-21 09:37 PM
2006-06-21 09:42 PM
2006-06-22 04:42 PM
TomWaltz wrote:We are now just converting projects already started so that hasn't come up yet, but it will most likely be the standard.
How are you handling creating new projects? Just sharing the project as soon as you do a "New from Template"?
2006-06-23 11:37 AM
2006-06-23 02:38 PM
Geoff wrote:It depends on your file server and its speed. It does not need to be RAID or anythign extreme, but it does need to either be able to write at 1 GB+ or have enough memory to cache incoming data until it can be written.
Matthew, I noticed on another thread you report that Gigabit Ethernet makes the use of Teamwork much faster. I have been warned that the full benefits of GB are not realized unless your file server is equipped with multiple hard drives in a RAID configuration since the network throughput can exceed that of a single drive. Can anyone speak to this? Thanks.