since early april (approx. between the 06/04 & 18/04) we experience a dramatic increase in AC14 teamwork project residing on a modular bim server, i.e. our files have increased to the extent of 2 to 5 times in size since then.
interestingly, when we export such an project to a pln it is about 300MB whereas on the bimserver it is inflated to 1240MB - which very roughly seems to corelate to the number of users (in our example about 4) on a given project?
this size inflation obviously significantly increases the time for joining (i.e. upon initial download) a project and generally seems to make our projects sluggish to navigate.
is this something other users also experience?
btw. this took us some time to realise as the file size is not really prominently displayed anywhere in the BS manager (maybe as a wish it could go on the project overview list, which also needs improved sorting behaviour).
another thing we notice hangs and crashes a lot anyway, at least on our mac mini where the CPU is being maxed out as soon as you open a projects' settings.
any ideas or experiences are appreciated.