nice example. You might want to cheat a bit and place some interior lighting. The sun alone is hardly enough to distribute nice light throughout.
I've just received the latest issue of 3D World magazine, with a special on Architectural Visualization included (sponsored by Autodesk). There is a Cinema4D tutorial for GI and a Mental Ray tutorial as well.
What interested me was that the Final Gathering in Mental Ray was at first splotchy, because the first light bounce could not find enough light. By simple adding an area light in the interior, it was helped tremendously:
I think this might apply for Artlantis: add some interior fill lights, even with low intensity, but with appropriate color, and help the Radiosity in Artlantis a bit in reaching all the corners.
Another very nice trick, which is not available in Artlantis, I'm afraid, is Ambient Occlusion: this effectively creates a greyscale image: dark in corners, bright in un-occluded places. This improves every interior rendering enourmously! I have this working in Cinema4D and in 3ds max, but it's available for many other applications as well.
--- stefan boeykens --- bim-expert-architect-engineer-musician ---
Archicad-user since 1998
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