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Av Works glass help

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If anyone is using AV Works inside of Archicad could you please tell me how to get glass to be see thru? I can't get it to be glass I can see thru clearly. It's very cloudy. I went to the help file and followed the example for glass but it's still very cloudy.

Thanks for any help,
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I use A-V Works and get some decent glass effects and am generally happy with the package. Could you post a screenshot of your glass material settings and I'll see if there's any glaring omissions.
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Here is the screen shot. THanks for any help!!! If I could I would want to make the glass as clear as possible then I'd like to make a glass material with a tint. I think it's the color of the glass but I need help.

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Very quickly, try reducing the relectance values (both ambient AND diffuse) to zero similar to the settings on the attached .jpg file that I use.

This is the obvious difference between your glass and mine, but let me know if you're still having problems and we can do a bit more 'trial & error'.

I'm not a rendering expert but (according to the help file example) the A-V Works calculates reflectance differently, and allows the the colour of the glass to be reflected onto nearby walls as in real life.

NB the settings I've shown give a slightly tinted glass, to imitate float glass properties, but I imagine if the colour was set to white, then you would achieve absolute transparency. I personally like to to see the glass tinted slightly.

Hope this helps, first time I've tried responding to someone else's problem!
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Thanks for the help. I think we needed to turn our reflection down to 0. I thought I tried that but it never works until someone else tells you. There must have been something else.
Thanks again I think we have what we want. AV Works works pretty slick hey?

Thanks again for taking the time to help me,
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Glad to be of help.

Yep. Really pleased with the A-V Works plug-in. But as you've proved there's a lot more trial & error involved to produce a set of materials that you can use again and again.

It took me best part of an afternoon to get a 'frosted glass' with soft, obscured transparency and matte reflective look.

Its a shame that materials can't be saved as a file that could be shared like library parts. Only way of sharing each others time is to post screen shots and texture .jpegs. Perhaps an idea for another Forum group, eh Djordje?
Kevin wrote:
Its a shame that materials can't be saved as a file that could be shared like library parts. Only way of sharing each others time is to post screen shots and texture .jpegs. Perhaps an idea for another Forum group, eh Djordje?
you could always save out an *.att file from the 'attributes manager' - will the AV works settings export with it?

also, PLAs are a useful way of transferring attributes to others . . .

just my 2p
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