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Can't open fly through in Quicktime

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Running AC 13 on an IntelMac using Snow Leopard.

I don't do a ton of rendering, but have made a fair number of quick fly-through movies for clients in earlier version of AC without any problems.

Did a quick movie of a complicated roofline for our structural engineer, and although I did everything like I had before, and set it to export "Quicktime Movie", quicktime isn't recognizing the file as openable.

If I select "play" in the "Fly through" settings instead of "save" it plays just fine.

I tried opening it with an older version of quicktime, and a couple of other programs without luck.
Any suggestions?
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Anyone have any suggestions on this?

Sorry if this is a newbie question, but now I'm having the same problem in a model I'd created in 12 and previously had no problem exporting QT movies from. It's still in 12, didn't feel the need to upgrade it and mess with library conversions just to make this quick tweak to show the client. QT is updated.

The only thing I can think of is that I've updated to Snow Leopard since I created the model. Anyone have any suggestions? Please?
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I saved it to my desktop instead of to the server and it worked GREAT!