Arcadia wrote:
What do you mean by 'harsh'? Are you talking about lighting, furnishing, what? I'm after comments on the rendering not your personal taste in interior design. Don't be dismissive be constructive - I'm trying to self learn Lightworks here and this is only my second interior render.
Sorry. I had no intention of disrespect. You asked for critique, and you got it. No offence meant.
I think your rendering is technically OK. It lacks feeling, the coziness of a warm, welcoming place, where I'd like to spend my time so much that I'd hire the architect to design it for me. In short, I think it lacks the 'story' that Dwight always speaks about, the story I want to tell the client. (But if you just want to say 'I can make high-tech kitchens just like any kitche salesman', look no further)
I think you should be glad that you've achieved such a technical level after only two attempts, that it's possible to critizise this way, instead of the simple 'it lacks undersun' etc. If you read Dwight's book(s) thoroughly you'll see what I mean. You'll have to raise your gaze from the tools after you're learnt them. Now is the time to think 'what do I want them to feel...' Just keep up speed and you'll get there in no time!
(oh, and by harsh, I meant the lighting in the first place. But color balance, color of light and ambience, etc etc, may also matter. If you want more detailed advice at this stage, you'll have to ask specific questions and describe what goals you're aiming for. It's not possible for us to conclude that from your picture. Personal taste is what it's all about)
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