At this moment maxwell is "unusible" but when it become stable and fuctional u will get the best. Still, believe me they say that u have press 3 butons to get good picture thats is not true.
First of all u must have eye
second is to be able to "shake" textures to look like in life
third is to know light and how camera works
and many little things and then u will be able to create something like attached.
But maxwell will kill allother render software surly if u ask me. There is something beautiful in maxwell and that is U DONT HAVE TO TWEAK TO GET REAL LIGHTNING
P.S If u know to create extra good images in C4D then u will create them in maxwell to, but if u dont know to create extra good images in C4D then u will be same in maxwell, get it, masters are masters, where ever they fight,
I wote for MAxwell
but what i know ?