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Grass with vector displacement

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Hi! For those who work in archicad and render using maxwell render there always is a problem with grass. One way we can build gras by objects inside archicad witch is time and computer consuming way. On the other hand we can make a mesh or slab and use displacement map to make grass, but it always look not natural. With new 2.6 maxwell render witch can use VDM(vector displacement map) i got an idea to solve this problem. VDM handle not only XY space but also Z space, and according to what they say you can render an object from plane. In manual they show an example:
If using map they can build mushroom i get the idea to build few blades from grass and sign material to a slab/mesh and it should render it like a grass. I tried to make this work but for me the limitations i making the VDM. So I ask here, if someone could make a good VDM from some grass object. If this works we could really have once and for all solved problem with grass.
What you think about it?
I suspect this works best for grainy effects, textile, etc., although the single mushroom does look incredible. Have you found any grass examples using Maxwell and the VDM? Seems like if it could work someone would of tried already.

Did find this: http://wanderplay.com/rusteberg/?p=1379
AC17 on Mac OS 10.7.5
Processor: 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7,
RAM: 16GB 1333MHz DDR3
Not applicable
I tried this. If you notice in the intro diagram, displacement originally split off into:

1.) Vector Displacement
2.) On the Fly

You could generate a VDM for the purposes you're describing, but the sculpt density of the mesh needed to produce such a map using a 3rd dimension through vector isn't really practical.

.... I learned this quick and deleted/ignored VDM for the purpose of creating grass in any type of rendering.....

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