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How can save floor paln to photo

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How can save floor paln to photo(psd,jpg,bmp) With the best quality?
Place a marquee around the area you wish to save.
Save as: PDF

This will give you a large, detailed image file.

Play it careful with the drawing scale and page size so that it all fits on one page because it formats the PDF output as if it was printing it.
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable

The way to save the other files!!!!!!!! only PDF
How it can be edited!!!!!!!!!!!!
You need not yell.

If you don't need the absolute resolution of PDF, then make screenshots in the format of your choice. Archicad also exports these other formats, but at low resolution.

Many photo editing applications open PDF files and convert them at specific resolutions, depending on your needs.
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
Dwight wrote:
You need not yell.

ok tnx
Hopefully the next version will solve this problem
Eduardo Rolon
There is no problem to fix in what you have asked.

All professional image processing applications can open PDF and change it to other formats and You can specify the resolution needed.

If the problem is saving multiple plans then you need to use "Publisher".

If the problem is exporting the floor plan with shadows and materials then you need to render the floor plan in the 3D window and choose your file format and resolution. Or you can create a 3D Document and export to PDF again.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
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