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How do I insert a TGA file into a 3d picture?

Not applicable
I have trouble to load TGA file from my object library. The "other" folder is not active so I can`t get access to it. I can only get access to the picture as a background picture!? I would like to insert a person in front of a house. I have no trouble loading pla files.

I have attached a picture with this topic, and I would also like to know how you get real shadow from the inserted object ( in this picture a person ).. I have trouble understanding how I make shadow from this 2d picture in my 3d drawing..

In my attachment you can see how they have combined a 2d real image into a 3d drawing- with shadow..

Moderator Emeritus
ruttis wrote:
I have trouble to load TGA file from my object library. The "other" folder is not active so I can`t get access to it. I can only get access to the picture as a background picture!? I would like to insert a person in front of a house. I have no trouble loading pla files.
If you want to crete cutouts, and use them in ArchiCAD, get ArchiFacade, that has this function. Even the Demo version can be used for this.

Alternatively, use Piranesi to insert your cutouts in the ArchiCAD rendering saved to Piranesi format; you can also use RPC.

The third option is to create Art•Lantis billboards and use them.

Clear as mud?

ArchiCAD since 4.55 ... 1995
HP Omen