About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Interior scene

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My previous post in this forum was a long time ago and I found I really missed the good natured critique and advice from the community. So, there is a recent work of mine.

For the record:
Original size: 2000/1500 pixels. Faces: 287 220. Render time: 2 h 50 min. Rendered in Max with VRay. Modelled in AC, except for: sofas and chairs - .max-models from the Internet; bottles, plates, window handles and curtains - modelled in Max.

As I have said before - I will welcome all the critique!

cam 3.gif
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This kind of illumination is the most difficult one to achieve! Can't help you with Artl - I am just an average user.
There is no problem to do it with VRay - just buy a good thick magazine to read while waiting for the rendering to be done.
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It should be nice interieur of a book shop with fine night illumination. This is very difficult task for artlantis studio.
2. that should be targeted light that illuminates the shelves and makes books look better. I cant make that look real in artlanits studio. I guess post production is the only answer
I don't think you are using Artlantis Studio to it's full potential. These can be done in Artlantis.
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Colyer-Lloyd wrote:
These can be done in Artlantis.
Do u have some example? pls post it!

The problem here is combining light number (2) with light number (3). Light number (3) gives very fine uniform light to the room - that means that there r no dark shadows and everything is well illuminated. So, if I wanna show that there is light number (2) I have to overexpose it. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong, I'm working on improvement.