1. The camera setting is being ignored from time to time.
I am working in rendering a small mall. Lots of stucco set as plan mat element with casting.
Sun 100%, Ambient 80%, Camera 33% and a sky object at 80%
Stucco material: Color plain, Reflectance Matte diffuse .7, casting on, transparency none, texture none, pipeline none.
Form time to time I get (2) different result one darker one OK. When darker the camera fails to act and needs a small adjustment let sat from 33 to 32 than it works again.
2. From time to time the same I have a similar problem with the Sun object. Yesterday I have made a rendering wit it a 51% same setting as described today for the same result I need it at 80%
3. Why is the cast shadow not darker then the carried one as it is in nature. I cannot rectify this no mater what.