Trese are my top wishes for the next release of AC. Most of them are ages old and some address the "improvements" Graphisoft introdiced in the new versions.
I don't want Graphisoft to introdice anything new in the next release, I just want these wishes fullfilled and I will be one happy architect!
1. Skin priorities working in sections. This is the BIGGEST wish! I spend an enormous amount of time to clear these intersections. Since AC11 I adopted the following "technique" - I make two identical sections, set the status of one of them to "Drawing" and place the "Autorebuild" one as Reference. Then I clear the intersections and keep the other one under it to track chandes of the model! It sucks!
2. Bing back the AC9 method for Mouse Constraints! One of the best features of AC ever! It lived from AC4.55 till AC9. I will explain it for newer AC users: You have a line, pointing at some strange direction, at an angle you don't know, for example a street in an old city. You could use this direction by pressing Parralel or Perpendicular buttons like in AC now. The nice part was that AC remembered this angle automatically and you could use this directon just by pressing Shift! In later versions some wisemen at Graphisoft decided it would be better if you insert this angle manually each time using Work Environment! I suppose these people didn't know there were buildings with non-orthogonal walls in the world!
3. Bring back the AC9 DWG Translator! This translator was perfect! All the changes later made it worse! I have numerous post on this topic! Even AC11 translator could do, provided it is the one with the lates hotfixes!
4. Copy in Sections/Elevations! Though it is a very important feature, I put it in fourth place just because I have gotten used to the situation now! But I am sure this makes AC a laughingstock when compared to other programs!
5. Switch Geometry Methods command to work for Arrow tool too! No comment!
6. Simple surfaces! Just the ones Autocad has been having for 15 years will be enough!
7. Buy and integrate all of Oleg Schmidt's add-ons! Alas, Oleg does not support them since AC9! They were invaluable and deserve a separate thread!
That's it! Is it too much?