The images are too tiny to really see, and I'm not sure which one is the one you are calling 1st. I can't really be sure what the goal rendering looks like, but it appears that only some surfaces have color?
You can accomplish what I think I see in several ways. The easiest involves Photoshop (or similar) or Piranesi.
For Photoshop, generate the sketch render as well as a LightWorks render. Layer the sketch on top of the render on top of a white background. Add a layer mask to the render and hide everything. Adjust the layer blending mode and opacity of the sketch layer to get the line appearance you'd like. Then on the render layer, paint in the mask layer to restore some of the rendering color - soft brush, less than 100% opaque brush or whatever style you're after.
For Piranesi, just save as Piranesi epix from the 3D window, open in Piranesi and paint away. Take a look here:
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