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About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

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Neither of these images are, in my opinion, really that good. I like one more than the other tho.

My question is: which one do you like more, for whatever reason, and I understand that you may not like either of them very much, for what ever reason, but do you prefer the look of one over the other?


Image 01.jpg
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Image 02

the 2nd .. texturing and lighting are much better. Still a little flat looking though, you need to get a bit more dynamic range into the image. It looks like everything is being lit by ambient only with no direct light sources such as lights or sun - these will help add some contrast and liven things up a bit.

Are these both done in AC? Could be wrong but the second one seems like a different render engine .. i am not that familiar with AC rendering as anything other than shaded/hidden line images gets done in external apps

Owen Sharp

Design Technology Manager
fjmt | francis-jones morehen thorp

iMac 27" i7 2.93Ghz | 32GB RAM | OS 10.10 | Since AC5
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I'd like to see a mixture of the two pictures!

The first artificially made "alive" by light cones, shine around light fixtures and too much reflections. I can't understad if this is a daytime or night render - the amount of light from windows and lights is the same!

The second image is just the opposite - absolutely flat! No reflections, no shadows.

Have a look at this - AC10 LW by tgr:
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HI Mike
By far the second.
Actually as I look at it as a photograph, it does have shadow and highlight detail along with mid tones.
The dynamic range is there.
What is missing is excessive specular highlights which are IMHO overdone in the first and I don't miss them for a personal reason. I would much,much more prefer to spend time in the second with it's more relaxing atmosphere.
But others like drama I guess.
As a comment to outside light looking the same, which it doesn't in my opinion, it is what I try to achieve in my indoor real photographs,(not an easy thing to do) to bring the light levels to within film range.
Nice work, which I could do that good.
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A simple Photoshop correction - brightnes/contrast and colour balance. This doesn't compensate for lack of direct light from windows and shadows.
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YEAH!! Kliment I like your improvements

I am planning on doing it again with some direct sunlight into the room. Now where is that spare 5 minutes I left lying around here?
