Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Please help-Rendering questions

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1.Can someone tell me with certainty which rendering application to use along with ArchiCAD besides Art-Lantis which is OK but I hate to pay for the extra shaders?
3D Studio?
VIZ 4?
2.I have ADT 2004 that comes bundled with an application called VIZ Render.The results when rendering ADT 2004 projects is very satisfactory to me so I was wondering whether I could somehow use VIZ Render for my renderings since it has quite a lot of materials pre-installed plus the fact that it can exchange materials with ADT 2004.The thing is that it can only open .drf extensions and can 'merge' .3ds/max. SInce it is bundled with ADT when I want to render a drawing I 'link' it to VIZ Render from within ADT.I tried to save a building as .3ds from ArchiCAD,then opened it in ADT 2004 and then linked it to VIZ Render but I didn't have much control over the objects.Anyone with a better idea?
3. Let's suppose I create 2 doors in ArchiCAD.To these doors I assign different materials to each one(eg. Wood Pine and Wood Oak).If I use VIZ 4 or 3D Studio will I be able to change each door's material seperately even if they are on the same ArchiCAD layer?
Do these apps (3D Studio and VIZ 4) have materials' libraries pre-installed?
4. Is there a way to find Art-Lantis Shaders somewhere on the net or create my own?
Not applicable
Do you all know that soon (at the end of 2004) will be released a new art*lantis version with radiosity and more render quality tring to achieve Photorealism?

Abvent as told that the new version will be very easy of use and very ergonomic and the main goal is to have a really better rendering quality.
