Dann Stubbs, owner and operator of RenderKing has created a custom C4D object that will help you create large scale renderings at maximum speed.
I forward his message which is addressed to the ArchiCAD-TALK community.
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NEW Tiled Camera 25 tile object
Lately I've had a few architects using RenderKing and doing some very large format renders.
The new Camera Offset feature in v8.5 has been very helpful - especially with the default "Tiled Camera" object that maxon included preset to 9 tiles
However, on some really large format renders this has still taken quite some time to render radiosity images.
In order to help I modified the Tiled Camera to create a new one that splits into 25 tiles. This way a single render will utilize the entire render farm.
Now this may seem like a lot of tiles but on a big render it helps a lot to have more cpus crunching away - the added time to paste in photoshop isn't very significant and the smaller tiles provide more immediate feedback on render results which helps a lot too.
NOTE: The one main improvement I made to the object compared to the default Tiled Camera, is that I start my tiles at the upper left corner verses Maxon starts in the middle. I find this easier as I can make a large blank document in photoshop and just start cutting and pasting from the upper left and keep the tiles in sequence (i.e. 0 to 24) as I go.
Please download the new Tiled Camera 25tiles object here (5.6k)
and put it in here
Now it will show up right alongside the other Tiled Camera for your easy use.
hope it helps someone!
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Great contribution, right?