If it is Artlantis then it will be bitmaps. The file can go to your printing service as a PDF.
I love Artlantis elevations, although for some reason I never get the scale right in Plotmaker (an elevation rendered for 144 dpi@1/8" will look smaller when imported as a Photoshop file into Plotmaker, and I need to stretch it manually to fill some reference hotspots or whatever).
This is one I am working on at the moment:
Export your model just as you always do (3D window, perspective), and on Artlantis 4.5 (previous versions don't have elevations; a so-so workaround is making a perspective from a very distant viewpoint, but an upgrade is cheaper than the time you will waste) you select parallel views, Cmd-4. If you have distant stuff Atmosphere can blur that a bit. Hit Render from the Parallel View window --Cmd-R or the top menu will give you a rendering sized to your Camera rendering size, which typically is way smaller than you need for a rendered elevation.