Geez. What a problem. It says that something is wrong but nothing is wrong. Or is it? Slower that usual rendering, perhaps? Way slower?
Something IS wrong, but whatever irrationality the rendering engine discovered doesn't kill the rendering process.
your hard drive is fragmented - or mechanically wrong somehow.
the computer, studying your signature graphic is momentarily confused.
I also suspect that you have your light qualities set very high and this scares the rendering engine into suspecting an overload, but, being British at its core it decides to keep a stiff upper lip and "press on regardless." Unlike the disasterous charge of the light brigade, however, things work out in the end.
If this is happening every time, and it really bothers you, you might like to isolate the object causing the problem by using my
a Mechanic™ techniques.
1: Check light qualities - have you got the internal sun turned off? if not, why would you have sun objects in the sky? Just more light sources to render and since V10 has a good built-in sun "Realistic" sun shader, this is the best sun, but not at high sampling rates.
2: Reduce light quality by 1/2
3: Those window lites are hidden memory killers. Like plaque around the heart. It is really easy to overdo the window llight qualities. Try with just one window light per facade. This is detailed in my book.
4: To locate a possibily corrupted element, start dropping layers 1/2 of them at a time. This eliminates possible trouble sources.
Dwight Atkinson