Ok, I got the sketch render to work over those paper textures - but any other picture and it wont work. Those paper textures are .tif files whereas the other images are .bmps or .jpegs - I tried to save the 3D window as a .tif and use that for the background and it still didnt work.
I have the internal engine with contours and vectors on. I've used Open GL as the 3D window as well - both end up the same way, with no sketching over the image.
Is it possible there is a transparency issue with the images? In the ArchiCAD library they are titled as 'Alpha Textures' and there is an option in the sketch rendering dialog that says: 'Use alpha channel for transparency'
It didnt seem this difficult when you explained it
thank you for your help
RA 2012 x64, Piranesi 6 Pro, Sketchup 8, Windows 7 Pro x64, Intel Core i7, 10GB RAM, ATI Radeon Mobile 5870