You are right on track: inserting a model into a photo is subjective and requires visual judgement.
The Align Tool is imperfect because photos are imperfect - any lens distortion destroys measuring. Furthermore, most context photos lack sufficient reference points to accurately position the camera. Should Archicad users wish to practice with the Align Tool, i suggest making a rendering of a space with tall walls that fill the scene and then place a piece of furniture or something into that scene. Insertions into Archicad's distortion-free renderings are easy.
When there are poor reference points, I use the parallax method - like the old printed perspective grid sheets with converging vanishing lines popular before most of you were born. Use adjacent building edges to create guidelines in the background scene. Make a stand-in block for the building to simplify convergence.
Also, ground planes are never flat - understanding slight level changes are critical for success. Anything i have ever done requires jinking around in OpenGL for fine tuning.
Dwight Atkinson