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Top Ten LightWorks Problems

Please help me make a list of your top ten LightWorks problems. Or twenty. We will see how it goes.
Dwight Atkinson
I am glad to see such a list, but it is not quite on the topic I had hoped for. These issues are largely implementation issues - how few of the actual LightWorks capacities have failed to get into Archinine.

And these shortcomings lead to operational challenges all right.....

For instance, there's a problem where a slight roughness of material falling in the sun object penumbra has its coarseness really amplified.

This is the kind of thing I mean.

see left and right of attachment
Dwight Atkinson
Ben Odonnell
Dwight wrote:
Not to provide a defense, are you aware that the lights in "General Light Sources" and many of the lamps themselves are updated to cast soft shadows? The falloff controls are quite sensitive....
Not at all.
To be honest I had no idea that the General Light sources were updated. Excuse my ignorance.
I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the heads up.

Ben O'Donnell
Architect and CTO at BIMobject®
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Other than what Karl has said here are the things I've found

Off topic
Opening an ArchiCAD 7 file in ArchiCAD 9 seems to cause the Lightworks objects to be ignored. If instead you merge the old file into a new AC 9 file then it behaves correctly

On topic?
Using the marquee tool to view your model in the 3d window and then photorender is ok the first time. Go back to the 3d view adjust something and then render again and the result is an overexposed rendering. To solve it you have to go back to the 2d window select an element, 3d view it go back to the 2d again and use your marquee.

On topic
I've seen weird shadows on some renderings where they partly disappear and or go spotty. I think this may have been early on in my trying out Lightworks so I think it was caused by using the ArchiCAD sun as well as the Lightworks sun object.

Off topic
Being able to set the ArchiCAD sun with a colour temprature is nice but there doesn't seem to be an equivalent for the Lightworks sun object, or did I miss something?
AC versions 3.41 to 25 (UKI Full 5005).
Using AC25 5005 UKI FULL
Mac OSX 10.15.7 (19G2021) Mac Pro-2013 32gbRam AMD FirePro D500 3072 MB graphics
Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus
wr1nkles wrote:
i think that graphisoft should make it that the materials in lightworks are no different to that of the internal engine. There have been many a time when i have rendered something using the lightworks engine to only find out that lightworks has substituted my material with something else

This is what the "match with internal" button is all about. It matches as closely as possible.

If all materials could be no different than the internal, then many of the benefits of LW could never be realized. LW is much more powerful and flexible than the internal engine.

But, maybe I misunderstood your wish/problem?

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
what about the old-timers?

all those old projects still around, that, for whatever reason, the user needs just one more view, and doesn't want to be guest-singing on Sesame Street "One of these renderings is not like the others..."
Dwight Atkinson
Not applicable
Not sure if this is a wish more than a problem...

There should be a short cut key for the materials attribute edit window. Seeing that you go backand forth to it so much.
Many cumbersome aspects to the material dialog.
What else is new??
Dwight Atkinson