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About built-in and 3rd party, classic and real-time rendering solutions, settings, workflows, etc.

Windows always blown out white...

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I have a problem that everytime I render in Lightworks my windows, glass are always blown out white. Please advise.

I attached a jpeg of my settings. I am using Archicad 10 on a Dell Dimension 5150.


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It would be more about your glass material settings. Can you show that?
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s2art wrote:
It would be more about your glass material settings. Can you show that?
Please see attached...I am using a plain white background b/c I would rather photoshop my sky in later...when i place a background behind you see it thru all the windows and I don't like it sometimes...
Glass Settings.JPG
Erika Epstein
Stuart is referring to the settings of the glass material itself.
Options, Element Attributes> Materials>[your glass material]
Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System

"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"
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Erika wrote:
Stuart is referring to the settings of the glass material itself.
Options, Element Attributes> Materials>[your glass material]

Glass Material.jpg
Not applicable
Sorry, Johnny, I should have been more specific. Try again with your Lightworks settings for glass material - on the same dialogue, select "Lightworks rendering" from the "create preview" pulldown near the top.

Also bear in mind that if glass is set to show some reflections but there is nothing in the foreground (or behind camera) to reflect, then the background will show as a reflection. If you have a white background this may be why your windows are glowing white. Can you post a screenshot of your render too?
Not applicable
Here you go....
Not applicable
Try again...
Erika Epstein
Methinks someone has been playing with the settings as attached is the out-of the-box material settings for glass clear.

You need to be very disciplined about not altering the out-of the box settings for all attributes. Instead make a copy an d play with the copy.

Architect, Consultant
MacBook Pro Retina, 15-inch Yosemite 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Mac OSX 10.11.1
Onuma System

"Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling"