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construction simulation in 9

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I am trying to run a construction simulation in 9 and can't find any information on the plugin..can anyone point me in the right direction.
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in the archicad help, search for "construction simulation" and the first one is a little "mini-manual"

I did some animations, and figured out (on the windows version) some puzzles:
- don't use the custom object in animation, the output will flicker between frames-use the date and custom text only.
- only quictime format worked for me, the wmw format didn't

some unfortunate limitations though:

-you can't do smooth phase transitions in animation: since schedule items can't overlap if some elements are linked to both of them, between -say- BUILD and FREEZE the final material will flash through, and at the end of the
TEMPORARY and DEMOLISH it will disappear-no matter what color it should be in the next phase

For example: foundation elements should be rendered in different colors representing: excavation-formwork-reinforcement-pour-cure phases.

-the one day/frame is to restrictive

-the one day granularity in schedule is to restrictive

-it would be good to have multiple BUILD-like schedule items, like concrete work shouldn't look the same as framing or finish work

-text export/import should also contain the linked objects in some way, so importing a new schedule shouldn't necessarily throw away all the linked objects.