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how to separate walls & niches in archicad->artlantis export

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So, I run into this problem alot with Artlantis. Many times I bring in a model into artlantis and who separate windows, walls or walls and niches (in this particular case) come in with the same material. Even if i specify a different material in Archicad before export, the niche and wall both come in as the same material, and I need to be able to apply a different texture to the niche (aka control join in stucco wall) than to the wall. How do i go about setting up the archicad model to export correctly?

I know I can split material by surface in artlantis, but this always makes the model bigger and slower and seems to increase render times.
Karl Ottenstein
adambeazley wrote:
I know I can split material by surface in artlantis, but this always makes the model bigger and slower and seems to increase render times.
I've never experienced any issues at all in Artlantis when using the polygon selection tool to select surfaces and apply a new shader to them. I've never experienced a situation where the exact material in the AC model did not appear in Artlantis, but will test what you say about niches now...

Please add a signature by clicking the "Profile" text link towards the upper right of this page - to the left of 'Log out". See mine for an example of what to include. For this particular question, the versions of Artlantis and ArchiCAD make a difference.
One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.7, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Karl Ottenstein
Verified - no problems at all. If you have separate materials for your niches in ArchiCAD, then you'll have separate, selectable materials for them in Artlantis. Appearance in Artlantis is identical to ArchiCAD 3D window.

Give some more details and screenshots to illustrate how you see unique niche vs wall materials in ArchiCAD, what your export settings are, and what you see in Artlantis.
One of the forum moderators
AC 27 USA and earlier   •   macOS Ventura 13.6.7, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB