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splicing QuickTime Movies ???

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First of all, before I forget, thanks to all for their responses to my query about dpi rules of thumb.

New Question:

I need to make a movie showing a detached single familly home in its imaginary context on a street alongside other homes. But when I want to go and tour around the sides of the building the next door buildings are in the way of the camera. But when I pull away with the camera at the front view, I want to see all those neighboring houses again.

I have tried putting the offending houses on different layers and setting camera positions with those off, but when the movie comes out, it has only the layer setting at the beginning and not the middle layer settings.

Is there a way around this, or is there a (preferably free) shareware out there to splice together several Qtime movies ?

Hope this is clear,


Not applicable
I have used iMovie to combine several quicktime movies together into one movie; then output the result using iDVD to a DVD for the Owner to use for marketing.
Not applicable
Millard wrote:
I have used iMovie to combine several quicktime movies together into one movie; then output the result using iDVD to a DVD for the Owner to use for marketing.
I forgot to mention that I'm on a PC, WinXPHome SP2

Not applicable
I was afraid of that. Apple makes Quicktime pro for PC where you can copy and paste your movies together.