Advancement of Element Schedules


It would be beneficial to see the advancement of schedules for elements other than doors and windows, such as beams, columns, slabs, and other assorted objects or designing elements. 

Improvements such as,

  • Model accurate representations (2D Plan views, Elevations, and 3D Axonometric Views) that reflect the modelled element rather than a generic 1 x 1 cube,
  • Better customisability in the Annotate option of these views, ect., 
  • Ability to change measured distances from m, cm or mm, 
  • Ability to have different views, (plan, elevation, 3D) at different scales, 
  • Ability to re-centre, annotated or customised views (as noted above), to mitigate wasted space around the view,
  • Beams, columns and other elements that have mitred or angled edges to be reflected within the schedule,
  • Being able to add a photo into the schedule (think a fixtures and finishes schedule, where an image of the bathroom vanity can be placed next to the information about the vanity),

ArchiCAD has implemented some of these customisations in window and door schedules, but hasn't extended the same curtsey to other elements, this development would allow for object schedules to be done in ArchiCAD, and detailed element schedules to go to steel (or other) manufacturers, along with a more accurate element schedules for builders.

1 Comment

As well as ArchiCAD not deleting anything you've Annotated in a Schedule when you rename the Element ID...


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