If element properties import/export with Excel is going to work in the real world, URLs need to function. We need a Hyperlink property data type.

TIL you can open well-formed URLs in the schedule within Archicad. This is... not very useful in collaboration.
URLs in schedules can be opened in PDFs if the text is complete, which it isn’t, unless you want to see these 200-character things on the layout. Truncated URLs pretend to be links, but of course they are broken, which you find out when you get to the browser. Bad UX.
Excel is dumb about recognizing URL strings automatically, but the user can turn the URL into a link. Just don’t change the display text, or the URL will be lost on import to Archicad. Excel readily imports hyperlinks from other software.
When Archicad re-exports the schedule with the URL strings, they get turned back into plain text in excel. 👎
Literally every product is selected on the web; this has to be fixed if the Excel round-trip is to be a real workflow.
PS, they have solved this for BIMx: https://community.graphisoft.com/t5/Visualize-articles/Add-hyperlinks-for-all-3D-elements-in-the-Cus...