

EVERY CAD/BIM/3D software has this essential feature - why doesn't ArchiCAD?
There was a discussion in one of the beta tests years ago about enabling this, at least based on favorites (if you change a favorite, all placed "instances" of this favorite will be updated, too. Of course, there should be options to exclude (override) defined elements.


[Topic title edited by moderator to remove ALL CAPS]


I agree with this!

One way to implement this would be that every object records its associated favorite as a built-in parameter value, which you could use as a selection filter. But selection filters don't always catch everything depending on view settings - it would be far better to have a sort of parent-child relationship. I think the complicated thing would be to decide which parameters are synchronized and which are left alone. But the parameter transfer settings could provide a mechanism for specifying which sets of parameters you want to have follow the favorite.


The title is misleading, and if I was you I would ask for linked Favourits

Barry Kelly

I would say a Hotlink Module is what you are referring to as an instance.

It can be more than just one object or one element placed with a 'Favourite' settings.

It can be a group of elements arranged and set exactly as you want.

You can't edit a placed hotlink (the instance), you must edit the source.

But once you update the source, you can choose to update any or all placed instances.

They can even be in different files.



I read this a wish for type-instance functionality with respect to parameters (in contrast to generic group-instances) which is a fundamental design/construction concept. In our head or on paper we easily definetypes and place instances - we need to be able to do the same in our CAD/BIM software. Yes - favorites could be jerry rigged for this but it should really be handled by a separate UI giving full control of multilevel type definitions and naming.


@ Barry Kelly

The hotlinks / modules could be called an "instances" based workflow, but these are cumbersome and not efficient because you cannot edit these in place.

And it makes absolutely no sense to hotlink many small objects like furniture, doors, windows, curtain wall panels etc...

The idea is more to have a similar concept like blocks in Autocad or families in Revit.


These are called library parts. Archicad objects. and I believe you should start revising Graphisoft's Archicad tutorials. Again.


@ Barry Kelly

And yes: to use these instances from a centralized (favorites) library file (BIMcloud or file-server) would be even more useful.


@ Nader

Sorry, but you may miss the point. Library parts, objects, windows, doors etc. are single objects, not linked to a "control"-object. If you edit one object then only this object changes, even if you have placed hundreds of the same.
Instances help also vastly to reduce the file size footprint of repeated objects, as only one is stored in the file (or in RAM). All other duplicates are references only.


ChatGPT on this:


In 3D CAD software, instances refer to copies or references of a base object that are linked to the original model. When you create an instance of a 3D object, you generate a duplicate that retains a connection to the source geometry. This means any changes made to the original model automatically propagate to all instances.


Key Features of Instances:


1. Linked Geometry: Instances share the same geometry as the original model, so they don’t require duplicating the underlying data. This saves memory and computation power.

2. Global Changes: Modifications to the base object (such as scaling, rotation, or geometric edits) instantly apply to all instances, making it easier to update designs.

3. Independent Transformations: Each instance can have its own position, rotation, or scale, allowing for variations in placement while maintaining a connection to the original model.


Benefits of Using Instances:


1. Reduced Memory Usage:

•Since instances don’t store a full copy of the geometry, they use significantly less memory. This is crucial when working with complex models, allowing you to maintain high performance in CAD environments.

2. Efficient Design Changes:

•If you need to modify a design, you only need to change the original object, and all instances will update automatically. This is highly efficient in large assemblies or when repeating components like bolts, chairs, or machine parts.

3. Consistency Across Models:

•Instances ensure that repeated components remain consistent. When designing large assemblies (e.g., an aircraft or an engine), instances help maintain uniformity without manual duplication.

4. Faster Rendering and Interaction:

•Since instances share geometry, CAD software can render scenes more quickly. This allows for smoother navigation and faster interaction with large designs, especially when displaying repetitive objects.

5. Simplified Workflow:

•Instances reduce the complexity of managing duplicate objects. Rather than manually editing multiple copies, you can work on a single base object and let the software handle updates across the scene.

6. Parametric Flexibility:

•Many CAD systems allow for parametric adjustments, where you can drive changes based on variables. Using instances in a parametric model helps automate updates and maintain design intent across multiple parts.


Use Cases in CAD:


Architectural Models: Where many objects (like windows or columns) need to be repeated across floors or buildings.

Mechanical Engineering: In machinery, components like screws, bolts, or bearings are often reused.

Product Design: Common for electronic devices or furniture where repetitive parts can be instantly updated across all instances.


Overall, instances in 3D CAD streamline both the design process and system performance, making it a powerful tool in complex, large-scale projects.



The errors that you're committing right now are:

1. Using an AI that although is fed with data it scrubbed from the net, but can rearrange information in a manner that makes sense to us even if it hallucinate.

2. Either you still don't get, or you have not learnt the program to the level you think you have reached.

3. Each program has it's own vocabulary that must be learnt by the users of that specific programs.


Again, what are you're describing is already available and is called library parts (in layman's term: Archicad's objects). You do not want instances per se, what you want using Archicad's vocabulary is linked Favorites.


And for your knowledge a semblance of what you're asking for can be achieved using Schedules, but it's cumbersome and I personally would prefer to do it using the feature that we can call linked Favorites.




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