since ‎2022-11-08

User Statistics

  • 24 Posts
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There should be an easy way to remove unused or unneeded objects or elements from the embedded library. A purge routine.
Please provide a method to edit/control the style of the slab edges. With the complex profiles, for example.
The performance of section and elevation views is extremely bad (slow), especially with shadows turned on and ('many') objects used. It should match the performance of the floorplan display or the 3D window. Especially the very slow update of these v...
More styles / graphic variants, such as those in Rhino 3D window control (ghosted, x-ray, technical, Artistic, Pen, Arctic, etc.).
Different Transparencies in 3D views and sections/elevations based on building materials (or surfaces). Not just on / off. Especially in non-shaded modes. The option for transparency override of defined elements.