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Modify Structural Partial Display


Structural Partial Display right now and in combination of MVO are used to set Lod and/or Lodi for Archicad's Elements, and although it works right now with some organization and work arounds. The process is not efficient.


I would like to see a more direct way that we can custom create our Lod(s) of Lodi(s) and associate them to the project's elements

Barry Kelly
Status changed to: Open

This might be a silly question, but what is Lod and Lodi?




@Barry Kelly 

LOD = Level of detail
LODi = LOD + Level of information


A pre-established standard for the amount of details for different aspects of projects' elements and component, set by projects' participants prior to elaboration, by stage delivery or as final.


Example, A column in a project could be required to be delivered as a simple square at a stage with LOD 300, but it should include the stirrups in LOD 350.

For better and more extensive graphical examples, please check https://bimforum.org/resource/lod-level-of-development-lod-specification/
and or https://www.thenbs.com/knowledge/-/media/7db4d77998164fcdb595d83a44fa0318.ashx

Barry Kelly

Ah, LOD I know of.

I was thrown by the lower case and Lodi.





Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin

Actually, that "Lodi" should be called LOIN, which stands for "Level of Information Need" as per international BIM standard ISO 19650.

The LOIN defines the amount, quality, and granularity of information that should be provided at various project stages. Essentially, it determines how much detail and what amount and type of information is needed at different points in the design, construction, and operation of a building or infrastructure project.


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