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Subtract a multi-segment Column (Area and Volume) from the Zone (DEF-7187)



No reaction to multi-segment Columns to the Zones after updating them. There is no automatic solution, only a handle Zone, which is unacceptable. 

Знімок екрана 2023-10-18 о 15.57.13.png

Here is an answer of the GS Technical support:
This is a known issue, DEF-7187. Unfortunately, we haven't received many reports regarding this, so the issue is currently on hold. The workaround is to use single-segment columns.

This limitation has not been fixed yet in Archicad 26 and Archicad 27 3002. Many users need it and have a real problem with it in big projects.

How many reactions do you need to fix it? 10? 100? 1000 upfingers?

Yehor Yermakov

being that no reaction to multi-segment Columns to the Zones after updating them, in large areas, such as underground parking lots, it is necessary to build capitals with a slab tool. Since manually tracing the boundaries of the zone on such a scale is more than inconvenient!
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This flaw is still observed in ArchiCAD. Why don't the developers pay attention to it!? ((

Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus

"Still obvserved" - yet it was just reported 24 hours ago.  What am I missing?  And you just joined the Community mere minutes ago.  If you are experiencing this issue... give a clear, detailed example of where and how it is affecting you so that tech support can add it to the database.



Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus

I feel badly that none of the three of the people posting have English as their native language, since I cannot fully understand the issue as described.  Is the issue that with a 3D zone volume that the volume of included multi-segment columns is not subtracted?


Can anyone share the full text of DEF-7187 as reported by technical support?



Ok, I try to explain. 
No reaction to multi-segment Columns to the Zones after updating them. 
1. Create a multisegment Column.
2. Put it on an automatically created Zone (Construction Method: Inner Edge or Reference Line)

Знімок екрана 2023-10-19 о 20.21.24.png

3. Update Zone.

Знімок екрана 2023-10-19 о 20.23.23.png

After Updating Zones, multi-segment Columns are not subtracted from the Zones (on 2D plans, Zone Area is not subtracted, and in 3D Zone Volume is not changed either). But everything works when you try to Update Zones with the one-segment Column (Zone Area and Volume are subtracted). 

As a Technical Support from GS partner, I've created a few requests about this bug around a few versions of Archicad. In Archicad 27, we found this bug and got the comment from GS Support: Unfortunately, we haven't received many reports regarding this, so the issue is currently on hold. 

So, let's make some noise around this issue. 

Is it clear now?

Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus

Yes - clear now.  And it makes no sense that a bug like this requires more reports for it to not be "on hold".  That's just crazy...  I'm going to change the title of your post to perhaps more clearly state the issue.  My guess is that most people did not test as you did and just assumed that this worked.



Not only Zone Volume — Zone Area, too.

Karl Ottenstein
Moderator Emeritus

Ah, and this would be harder I think?  Would one expect that the zone area would reflect the current Floor Plan Cut Plane (FPCP) height so that the displayed area in a drawing reflects what is shown in the drawing?  How would one schedule zone area if the same room/zone is shown in different drawing with different FPCP heights in order to properly show the space?  Zones are not capable of displaying multiple areas... and when scheduled, they are not aware of the FPCP for an associated plan view.


I think implementing areas  - other than the base story level area perhaps in order to calculate floor finish area (or similarly ceiling finish) - would be challenging for Graphisoft... but volume is something that is right there for every element and there's really no excuse for the volume to not be subtracted.  It's disappointing that the product designers who introduced the powerful multi-segment columns did not think of all of these implications ... and that apparently Graphisoft wants every firm that has their work affected to contact them individually before they decide that they forgot to perform a complete implementation and fix this.



Another demonstration of the problem:
A multi-segment Column must be drawn with a Polyline of the Zone Boundary along the contour on the plan to get the correct automatically updated Areas of the Zones. If you change something in a model, you must also remember to change the Polylines. It's inconvenient and often leads to mistakes.

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