custom hardware and leaf elements

Patrick M

3 things regarding the hardware and door leafs:

1. having them hard scripted in the saved gdl means they are rarely cross project compatible. A custom door leaf in one project may look correct as wood or paint, but when imported to another project may show as black since the surface name is missing. Additionally, pens should be editable for the custom components, just as they are for the default components, so that we aren't editing GDL script, but rather just changing the door, window, cabinet, etc. settings
2. the drop down list for custom door leafs and custom hardware is organized in the order they are added to the project, not alpha-numerically
3. they should have a library interface- just like custom objects and doors themselves, so we don't need to sift through a nonsensical (and potentially long) list, and possibly even include a thumbnail/preview if that was added to the custom component


these apply to: custom door leafs, custom door knobs, custom cabinet panels, custom cabinet handles. In large projects or firms using a lot of custom components, it's difficult if not impossible to manage.


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