Patrick M
since ‎2021-11-11
a week ago

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This tool continues to hit the wall on its limits in very basic conditions. Operating system used: Mac Apple Silicon   
A ridge skylight would be an excellent addition to the libraries. Even if it only works with multi-plan roofs/ridges, it is something we run into over and over, and end up modeling from scratch, and are unable to schedule with standard skylights.  
I have mentioned this before, but I'll revive it here, as I now work with 3 firms that have requested it: When selecting a dimension node, we should be able to edit each tick individually. This is useful, since these firms want a 'o' to represent dim...
3 things regarding the hardware and door leafs: 1. having them hard scripted in the saved gdl means they are rarely cross project compatible. A custom door leaf in one project may look correct as wood or paint, but when imported to another project ma...
it would be amazing if we could have individual mesh contours tied to the renovation filter. I realize this is a full rebuild of the mesh tool; but lets be honest, it kind of needs it!