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zofa groningen
since ‎2012-04-26

User Statistics

  • 13 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
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  • 1 Likes received

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From the dutch site PDOK I downloaded a CityJson file which I parsed to IFC using cityjson2ifc. The IFC file opens well in BIMCollab Zoom and OpenIFCViewer. In AC 27 I can import the file without any errors but nothing is being imported. No library f...
In an Archicad 24 model with a pattern of 3D bricks I want to assign 4 materials spread randomly over the bricks (about 500 bricks, modeled with the wall tool). Is there a way in Grasshopper to connect (import) a complete AC 3D model and just assign ...
I made a parametrical object in which change the size by using hotspots and a custom parameter. When I use the object and change the size by using the hotspots, the values A, B, ZZYZX don't change. They stay at the default value as set in the objects...
I'm considering buying a Mac Mini 2018 to become our new Bim Cloud Basic server. Right now we have a Mac Pro 2008 with Mac OS 10.11.6, 8 GB RAM and a SSD drive as Bim Cloud Basic server. Requirements are marked as 'Compatible, but not tested Operatin...
For some reasons I want to save the openGL 3D view in a view in a specific resolution. For another view I want to save it (also openGL 3D view) in another resolution. In 3D windowsettings I can change the window size, I thought I could save this in t...
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