Had the same problem as in the thread linked by David. In our case, the
dimensioning tool became slow when the cursor was within the bounding
box of a detailed railing with a lot of ballusters and "Automatically
dimension walls and slabs" was turned ...
So, I have done some more testing. When exporting to .ifc, if the
translator is set up to split composite elements and export each
individual skin, then each skin will get the properties that are set for
its building material. However, in case of bas...
Have any solutions to this issue been implemented? I am currently
working on an .ifc export of a project in AC27. Properties that are
defined for building materials get exported for individual skins of
multi-skin composite walls but still don't get e...
I have had the same (or similar) problem multiple times over the years,
across multiple AC versions. Drawings on some layouts would auto-update
even if no changes were made to the model, even if I just switched to a
different tab and back or to a dif...