since ‎2003-10-27

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  • 40 Posts
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Posting here until the Wishes board is back online. The ability to show the Home Story Line in an interactive schedule (much like the Elevation, Section, IE settings) Typically, it is good to show the Home Story line and how it relates to doors & win...
I have come across this issue over the last 18-24 months: Using Interactive Schedules to list doors & windows; In the Elevation View cells of the schedules we typically add in additional annotation, dimensions, fill, etc to add additional detail to t...
I would like to be able to see which side ArchiCAD has designated as the 'Reveal Side' of an already placed Door. The 'sun' icon is shown when placing, but after that, there is no way to easily tell without playing around with door settings. This wou...
HELP! I was wondering if anyone knows how to define conditions in GDL based on the current 3D viewing mode (block, wireframe, hidden, or shaded)?? - Yes, I know about the GLOBAL_CONTEXT to determine if the 3D view is active. Ricki
Hi all Been searching this list, Google and the old Escribe for any info on installing the Microsoft Project plugin so MS Project can save the text file using the correct 'Map' (translation template, I guess) for ArchiCAD to read. The manual says to ...