Hi everyone, i ve archicad 27 and rhinoceros 8.0 with grasshopper
plugins. where are the Reshape Components command ?Thanks Operating
system used: Windows 11
Hi everyone, how can i create different model appearance from the same
section ? Exemple: diferent shadows, transparency, cut and uncut
fills... etc..Thanks
Oi Diego, o Param-O é parecido com o Grasshopper mas muito mais simples.
O Grasshopper é mais dificil, ainda tem que instalar um software
adicional, o rhinoceros, porém possui infinitas ferramentas e vc
coneguirá fazer a distribuição de armaduras nos...
Hello Marian ! Turning off the ELEMENTS INFO Pallete will increase very
much Archicad Performance. All functions that envolve selecting ou
deselecting elements are related to this palete. Graphisoft needs to
verify this issue. I think is an Elements ...
Hello everyone ! Turning off the ELEMENTS INFO Pallete will increase
very much Archicad Performance. All functions that envolve selecting ou
deselecting elements are related to this palete. Graphisoft needs to
verify this issue. I think is an Element...