Hi! When I export an IFC, some (not all) doors are transformed into
objects. I can't find any difference in the model from the ones that are
exported correctly and the ones that become objects. Can anybody help
me? Thanks
Hi!! I'm having a similar problem, but in my case (in the same exported
IFC) some walls are IFCWall and some are IFcWallStandardCase. The doors
with basic or composite structure are the ones that appear as
IFCWallStandardCase. The Complex Profile Wal...
Hi! Thank you for the answer. I did that and they are all classified
"Doors" and as IfcDoor. But when I checked the walls, I realized some
walls are IfcWall and some are IfcWallStandardCase (but they are all
classified as "Walls"). I don't know wheth...
Hi! What if the problem is the other way around? When I export from
Archicad, some of my doors are being transformed into objects, and are
not read in Revit. Thank you