Hi Hoa,You can get a list of available IFC translators with
ACAPI_IFC_GetIFCExportTranslatorsList (
GS::Array& ifcExportTranslators ) where
API_IFCTranslatorIdentifier is a structure that has GS::UniString name
field so you can use it for filtering a...
Hi Enea,You can do this with custom Archicad C++ API add-on. AC devkit
has an example called "Automate_Functions" where you will find
"Do_Save_IfcFile()" function that utilizes ACAPI_Automate( APIDo_SaveID,
API_FileSavePars* fileSavePars, API_SavePar...
Hi paanjii2,You can download older version via Visual Studio Older
Downloads - 2019, 2017, 2015 & Previous Versions (microsoft.com)This
page will forward to your Visual studio subscription profile where you
can download VS 2019 build tools (you don't...